Thursday, March 15, 2007

Things I do not understand

There are a lot of things in the world I don’t get. Not that they’re bad, I just don’t get them. Maybe someone can explain any of these that they understand. So here it is, my list of “Things I Don’t Get.”

1. baby sign language- is it like teaching your kid a second language or is it actually for communication? I know a couple who did this with their kid- the kid didn’t talk for like 2 ½ years because of it. Seems odd to me, but then again my kids aren’t even 2 yet and they use over 200 words (yes, we counted the other day, I’m a dork).
2. why men want all offices to be about 13 degrees
3. people who don’t obey “lane ending” signs- do you think that you’re more special than the rest of us who merged or do you just not believe that the lane will actually end?
4. people who get on Weight Watchers and eat all of their points by lunchtime then say that the plan doesn’t work- duh, if you follow it, it works. Believe me, and my slightly less fat butt
5. people who say there is a teacher shortage in WV- why is it then that people can’t get a permanent teaching position in WV until they’ve subbed for like 3 years then? And why did so many people I graduated with go to NC to get jobs because they couldn’t get one here?
6. why I keep getting the same forwards over and over- you’re really not going to get a free Gap card for sending me emails, I promise
7. why my student loan payment comes out of my checking account on a different day every month
8. non-alcoholic beer
9. fake toenails- really, what is the purpose? Do people want long toenails and can’t grow them? It just doesn’t seem the same as fake fingernails but I have seen these things, they do exist
10. most importantly, why is the cake in the kitchen calling my name right this very minute??

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