Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Bad mom confessions

Ok, inspired by Anne, I will put some of my bad mommy confessions on here:

-the real reason I want my kids asleep by 8:30 is so I can have time to do the housework, dishes, laundry, etc. and still watch some tv and be in bed by 10:30. It really has nothing to do with the level of sleep they should be having every night. It has more to do with MY level of sleep. And really, is 7 hours too much to ask?

-I let my kids watch way too much tv and the tv is on pretty much every waking moment, even though they're not actually watching it all that time

-I think I push my kids to do things I think they should be doing, like learning their letters and numbers, playing on playground stuff that might be too big for them, etc.

-I think I expect too much out of them at times.

-My kids eat WAYYYYY too many french fries and Pringles.

-I have not put much effort into potty training because I am lazy. That kind of goes against my pushing too hard thing, but hey, no one ever accused me of making sense all the time.

-Sometimes I just let my kids jump off the couch and onto the pillows because I'm tired of telling them no all the time.

-My patience seems to be less each day.

-I'm pretty sure my mother in law thinks I'm a really mean mommy.

-I feel super guilty about taking away Emma's paci because I know it brought her comfort. It's kind of funny because in most ways, I'm not very indulgent.

-I have actually found myself comparing them to each other, which I swore I'd never do. But sometimes "why can't you just do ____ like your brother/sister" just pops out!

Ok, I'm done for the day! Let's hear them, mommies!


Kimberly said...

#1 on your list is me to a FAULT!! I've even been known to say...SURVIVOR IS COMING ON IT'S BEDTIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

And I can think of a million more "bad" things that I do!

Anne said...

You know what's sad...... Ethan smiles everytime he sees the Mcdonalds arches.

Trying to cut back on the french fries though so I've been getting him those apple dippers..... *sigh*

Jonathan's Mommy said...

I am also guilty of comparing Jonathan to other childre, despite the fact that I was certain I would not be one of "those" mothers. I guess you just never know until you have your own children...

I also look forward to Jonathan's bedtime so that I can get some things done too. I feel guilty about it, too, but I still announce "bedtime" happily at 7:30!

Neurotic Atty said...

If you're a bad mommy, then there's never been a good mommy! I'm surprised my oldest sister's kids didn't turn into the McDonald's characters. They ate McDonald's at least once a day for the first several years of their lives! And the bedtime thing...if you didn't get some serious "me time" -- even if it's only an hour's worth of TV and a few hours of sleep -- you'd REALLY have problems!

Janice said...

I think all mommies look forward to thir children's bedtime with a passion. What's worse is I don't even want to do any housework when the kids are finally in bed. I also feel the samw way about potty training. I am too lazy to even think about it! But then I wonder how it would've been if I only had one child to think about.

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