Monday, February 25, 2008

A quick one...

I hereby resolve to do better in posting in March. The funny part is, I get anxious when my blogger buds don't update fast enough and I'm the worst one!

Here's a quick post for the day, celebrating my parenting success! We had to go out of town this weekend for a funeral, and that entailed a stay in the Hampton Inn. The next morning we were dining on the Hampton's yummy hot breakfast buffet, and the kids were munching away on their "colored cheerios", known to the rest of the world as Froot Loops, when a lady came up to our table and said, "You have the best behaved children I've ever seen. I just had to tell you that."

WOOO HOOOOOO! They often get free goodies for their restaurant behavior but it's nice to have that reinforced sometimes, especially when people tell me often I'm too hard on them (that's YOU Nanny!!!! and Mawmaw!!!).

I solemnly promise I do have pictures to post but I keep forgetting. Soon, my lovely readers, soon!


Paula said...

That is great. I felt the same way this weekend. I got so much grief for teaching Lydia sign language. "She will never talk" All weekend long, people kept asking me how old she was b/c she can say so many words...very clearly. No one could believe she just turned one!

Jonathan's Mommy said...

Congrats to you! There is nothing worse than poorly behaved two year olds so it's nice to see that your strictness is paying off! My mom is the same way, saying we are too tough on Jonathan but that's only because she is the grandmother--she was really hard on us as kids! She carried a spatula in her purse TO CHURCH!

Paula said...

Oh my I am laughing so hard I am crying....spatula to church...sounds like my parents. They would walk us out the to car, whip up then take us back in!!!!!!

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