Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's not too early if the tree's lit, right?

So, the State Capitol has officially lit its tree, which to me means I'm NOT too early to publish Christmas pictures. Right? Well, it was justified in my mind. Anywho, Sears called prior to our appointment to confirm and to get all the relevant information, as in the kids' ages, any particular backgrounds, etc. They informed me that we could do a clothing change, and she mentioned pajamas. So my wheels started turning, as I had seen some SUPER cute Christmas pajamas at Kohl's but couldn't justify them since the kids' last year pjs still fit. But for pictures, I could justify. So we bought new ones, and I think they turned out great!

The photographer lady has taken my kids' pics about 5 times, starting at the age of 4 months, so she sort of remembers us every time. She is great at going with the flow, as this series of pics shows, since she initially wanted the kids to pose with the cookies and milk, but that wasn't happening. So she just started clicking, and the results are super cute.

Excitement over the props, which are of course fake.

Just making sure the milk isn't real...Doesn't Ethan look like he's going, wait a minute! That boy LOVES his milk. And Emma looks guilty here.
Making sure the cookies are fake too. They were glued to the plate, and just after this shot, she actually LAID in the floor to try to bite a piece off. I swear we don't starve her, and it was 8 am for pity's sake!
Love this one, sweet and innocent.
She actually obeyed the instruction to hold the bear by its arm! I think this was to slightly differentiate from Ethan's pic with the hugging.
So, on a random note, is anyone else's kid becoming super materialistic? I hate commercials, and now the kids (especially Emma) have started asking for EVERY toy she sees: "I want dose mommy" or "I want ALL of dose." Thankfully she forgets most of it in 3 minutes. Except she wants a bigger play kitchen, cause hers is "too small to cook everything." Oh, honey, don't we all?


Neurotic Atty said...

Yay, more pictures! I love the pajama pics! They really get me in the spirit for Christmas, and just when I was contemplating not putting up a tree this year.

Jonathan's Mommy said...

LOVE the pajama pictures!

As for the materialism, Jonathan's favorite is "Mommy, buy that now. I NEED it." Whew!

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