Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Brief update

Ok, no pics, sorry. I'll try to get on that tonight. THe kids' had their second year appointment yesterday, and I was happy that they are at a 3 year old level physically and developmentally. Ethan is 36 inches and 30.5 pounds, Emma is 35 inches and 26 pounds. They dutifully rattled off their colors and shapes for the doctor and ran and jumped for her too. They estimate that Ethan will be 6'1" or 6'2" and Emma will be 5'7" but we think she'll be taller since I'm 5'9" barefoot and most of my family is taller than 5'7".

A few quick stories: Emma is getting super good with her manners, and says Thank YOu all the time now, and says please a lot, but mostly when she wants something - "popsicle pease." It's pretty funny though as she goes through a store, she shouts "Cuse me!" at people as they walk by. Guess we need to work on the appropriate use of "excuse me."

Ethan can now ride the teeter totter by himself and has learned how to climb into his crib if the side is lowered, so we're switching the cribs to daybeds this weekend. We already put the DOra and Diego sheets on them, which was thrilling to no end to both twinkies. I've never seen two kids more excited about sheets. Ethan kept me from forgetting my lunch this morning! He pointed it out to me as I was running out the door. It was kind of funny that he saw it and knew it should go with me.

Well, I'll put some pictures up soon. I have several on my camera that I need to put on the computer. Happy Hump Day to you all, sorry this is such a boring post!


Elizabeth said...

That is not a 'boring post.' Sounds like you are raising little Einsteins! Soon to be tall Einsteins! Glad their check-up went so well.

Jonathan's Mommy said...

I don't think this is a boring post either! I'm glad you posted again because I've missed reading the twinkie stories.

So happy to hear the two year old checkup went well!

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