Thursday, May 3, 2007

It's official.

For those of you who haven’t heard, it’s official, I am retiring from litigation. At least for now. I’m taking a clerkship position which is, at minimum, a step sideways in the career path. But MUCH less stress than private practice, less hours, more vacation (who gets 4 weeks of vacation a year? Not most lawyers, I’ll tell you. I’m in heaven!)

For those who have never worked in private practice as a litigator, let me tell you. It’s like housework, your work is NEVER done. There really is no start and end. When you go home, you’re either working or thinking about what you need to do or planning your calendar. You don’t just leave work when the office closes and forget about it til the next day when the office opens. Most litigators don’t keep 9-5 hours. More like 8-6 or longer, and most litigators work at least some on the weekends. It’s not “extra work”; it’s expected. I’ve never had a week’s vacation where I wasn’t on a conference call at least once. Even while I was on bedrest while pregnant I was taking calls periodically. And it gets worse as you get more experience.

So, anyway, with all that said, I’m stepping out of it for at least a year, probably 2-3. Then maybe I’ll come back. I really love some parts of litigation, but I love my kids more. What are 2-3 years in a 30-40 year career? Hopefully nothing.

I know this decision has disappointed some people who feel that I should keep going, and who say I’m “too good a lawyer” to do something that doesn’t use most of my legal skills. But I have to do this for me, and now is the time. I’ll reconsider when kindergarten starts for the kids. I feel at peace with this decision, for the first time in a long time.

So here’s to new beginnings, less stress, actual vacation time, and more time with my kids. Oh, and don’t forget state holidays!


Kimberly said...

And "sunny Fridays" which means "hey guys it's a nice day...go home!" It's GREAT!! And non existant stress. Who cares what people are still a lawyer no matter what kind of law you practice. Litigators aren't better lawyers b/c of their job just different...maybe sometimes some of them try to justifiy the job with themselves to make it better. But regardless...who care...welcome to a stress free life!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Andrea! Like you said, your career is going to be a lot longer than the time you get to spend with your children before school. Who cares what other people think! What matters is what makes you and your family happy. Again, congratulations and I hope you enjoy your extra time you are going to get to spend with your family!

Elizabeth said...

Good for you!! I don't blame you one bit for making the switch. Better to do it now then wish you had when the kids are packing for college. Family first. Oh, and you are a great lawyer period. We aren't "ranked" on what we do day to day and this isn't a step sideways or backwards or forward. You are a lawyer doing the things lawyers do. Have fun both at your new job and with the Twinkies!!

Jonathan's Mommy said...

Congratulations! I am SO happy for you and I really think you will be happy with your decision! And I agree with everyone above--you are a kick-ass lawyer regardless of the field you are in! I'm considering a similar move myself, so I am completely in your boat! I have no doubt that you will be a much happier person! And Ethan and Emma will LOVE some more mommy time, I'm sure!

Amanda Lea said...

Yeah for you! I'm so happy for you!! I hope this new job brings you all the peace and happiness you are looking for. We'll see you you next Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Like I've told you before, I think you are making the right decision for you and your fam. I'm going to be so jealous when you and Kim are both off of work and I'm slaving away! You do have to promise that you'll venture into town to do lunch from time to time though. Enjoy all of your extra time off with Emma and Ethan!


Anonymous said...

Wow- Congratulations!!! I am so excited and jealous! I don't think what makes someone a "good lawyer" is because they are a litigator- I think you are a good lawyer when you can take care of yourself, your family and your client. You will be able to look back one day and be so glad that you were able to do this for you and your family. Congratulations- let's all get together and celebrate!!


Neurotic Atty said...

I hear there are some truly fabulous people at your the new workplace. No, seriously, REALLY fabulous people! You'll love it!

Kimberly said...

Just a heads up...You might want to stay away from a girl named "Laura" at your new job...she's BAD NEWS and the rumor is that she has multiple personalities!!

Anonymous said...


Two words - choo choo - welcome to the train sister. Enjoy the ride. We damn sure are still lawyers and although you will not be working the same way you used to I believe you will find it challenging in some respects and when you dont - thats what hobbies are for, you do remember being able to do stuff you like on weekends/evenings dont you? For some reason we have it beat into us (law school is what I blame) that if we are not doing the absolutely most challenging thing we can find that we somehow are not doing what we should be doing - that is BS and the sooner we let go of that thinking - the happier we are. Enjoy the new job. Goodness knows you have earned it.


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