Monday, March 19, 2007

More random musings

Some day I’m going to remember to download pictures to this blog. I’ll try to add some later, but in case you don’t read Kim’s blog (see 3 Carrs link on the side) Miss Sophie B turned 1! It was great fun for all, especially those 3 feet tall and under. I am amazed that there were 5 one year olds in attendance and none of them cried at any point! Everyone played pretty nicely together, even though most are not around each other hardly at all. I was proud of my kids for jumping right in with the other kids. I sometimes worry that because they’re not in daycare or preschool that they won’t be social, but they don’t have a problem it seems. They jump right in at parties or at church and aren’t really scared. I was afraid they’d be the kids in the corner who didn’t play with any of the others but they’re not! Yay!

I’m considering preschool in the fall but not completely sold on the idea yet. I keep thinking, if I put them in now (I think it’s part time for 2 year olds but not 100% sure) then they’ll be in school for like the next 20 years at minimum. My other fear is that they might be bored. I really need to find the curriculum for 2 year olds at this school because my kids already know a lot of the stuff I think they generally teach 2 year olds, like their shapes, colors, body parts, etc. They’re starting to learn their letters, and Emma can recognize her name in writing already. I guess my best bet is to see if I can attend a day at the preschool and see what it’s about before committing. The last thing I want is for them to see school as boring and then not want to go.

On another note, I am constantly amazed at the words my kids know now. They pull stuff out that I had no idea they know. In the past few days, they’ve said scissors, bald, Slimey (Oscar the Grouch’s worm friend), shower, chicken (I knew they knew what this was but they don’t usually ask for it by name) and dip, all without prompting or simply repeating what I say. I was shocked mostly about scissors and bald. I’m not sure where they get it but we do explain everything to them, and name stuff that they see, so I guess the little sponges just absorb it and remember, then when they see a picture of a bald baby or see scissors laying on the island they know what they are. Now if it comes to repeating, they can say about anything now (including possum which Emma learned this morning). Kids are amazing!


Kimberly said...

I wanted to tell you but didn't get a chance have the most well behaved, pleasant, cutest 2 year olds I have EVER seen in my entire life (and this was voiced by other peeps too)! I only HOPE that Sophie B. can follow in their footsteps. I mean did you see my 2 year old nephew! He's 1 month older than Emma and Ethan and he's a little out of control and doesn't know how to jump in and play (after the party he was at the house and slapped Little Bit in the face for no apparent reason).

I can't wait for them to GTG again to play...if only it would warm up!

supermommysquared said...

Hmm...interesting thoughts. I will say that you should definately think about preschool, because Hailey has gotten a lot out of it and I am pretty sure that she is never bored, but our kids are different. It never occurred to me that I would be sentencing her to so much time in school or that she would be bored. I don't know anything about preschools in your area and it seems that Deb is doing a good job, so the choice is up to you. I wish that they could attend First Presby with Hailey because I know that they would have a great time there and never be bored, because the teachers are wonderful. I am sure that Ethan and Emma are geniuses well beyond the typical two year old and that their socialization skills are good because they have each other, but new experiences are important. Just some things to think about.

TwinMommyLawchick said...

I am definitely considering it. I don’t know much about the only preschool I know of that does 2 year olds. It’s also a day care and my fear is that it’s nothing more than childcare. I want some actual teaching, I have child care. First Presby is supposed to be like one of the best around and I know Sacred Heart is good but I can’t get them home afterward. I think I just want to sit through a class this summer and see what the deal is with this preschool.

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